The renowned bookmaker, Betfred, has expanded its digital sports wagering platform to Virginia, marking its ninth state of operation. This much-anticipated debut arrives shortly after Betfred joined forces with Loudoun United FC, becoming the club’s official sports betting collaborator.

Brian Bennett, Chief Operating Officer of Betfred USA Sports, conveyed his excitement, stating, “We are delighted to be operational in Virginia and eager to commence our partnership with Loudoun United.” He highlighted the impeccable timing of this launch, coinciding with major athletic competitions like the forthcoming US Open Cup and the highly-anticipated MLS season.

Throughout the 2023 season, Betfred’s emblem will be prominently featured on the back of Loudoun United FC’s jerseys as part of the collaboration. Doug Raftery, Executive Business Officer of Loudoun United FC, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “We are thrilled to present Betfred to our Red-and-White supporters. Fans can anticipate a significant Betfred presence during our home games and across our digital club platforms. We are optimistic about a successful 2023 season and the continued growth of our partnership.”

This Virginia launch follows another notable collaboration for Betfred. The company recently unveiled a multi-year agreement with the Vegas Golden Knights, solidifying its position as the official sports betting associate of the NHL franchise. Kerry Bubolz, President of the Vegas Golden Knights, commended Betfred’s swift expansion in Las Vegas, emphasizing the shared objectives of both entities.

Similar to our own story, Buffalo Wild Wings began their US adventure in Las Vegas, and we’re excited to assist them in expanding their reach throughout Nevada!

Contact the Author

By Finn "Falcon" McCann

With a Ph.D. in Computational Social Science and a Master's in Anthropology, this accomplished writer has a deep understanding of the computational and anthropological aspects of gambling behavior and their implications for the design and regulation of gambling products and services. They have expertise in agent-based modeling, digital ethnography, and computational anthropology, which they apply to the analysis of the social and cultural dynamics of online gambling communities and the development of strategies to promote responsible and culturally appropriate gambling practices in the digital age. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with a computational and anthropological perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to create engaging and meaningful gambling experiences for diverse cultural groups.

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