A top German online lottery agent, Zeal Network, witnessed a surge in its income to €22.6 million in the initial three months of the year, although costs also saw a slight rise.
Zeal’s Initial Quarter Earnings Rise, Business Strategy Modified
Income reached €22.6 million, marking an 18.9% increase from the same period last year, climbing from €19 million in 2020 to €22.6 million. Zeal reported that €21.1 million of this came from its German operations, a 23.5% year-over-year increase from €17 million in the first quarter of 2020.
However, Zeal’s income growth also led to increased expenditures. Zeal added 156,000 new clients in its German operations in the first quarter, a 24.2% year-over-year decrease. The company stated that the cost of acquiring each client increased from €26.0 in the first quarter of 2020 to €33.48 this year, due to amplified efforts to attract clients. Overall, marketing expenses were €7.1 million, a 7.5% year-over-year increase from €6.6 million in the same period last year.
Zeal believes that the income growth, as well as the absence of any non-recurring costs or income, is the reason for the 64.2% year-over-year increase in adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) in the quarter, from €2.8 million to €4.6 million. German operations accounted for €4.1 million of the total, more than double the amount in the first quarter of 2020.
Zeals financial performance has undergone a transformation since they discontinued offering lottery betting services. This marks the first time they’ve compared their outcomes year-on-year since they commenced concentrating on lottery brokerage.
This alteration in their business approach transpired after they consolidated with Lotto24, a lottery brokerage firm, in May 2019. Zeal initially attempted to acquire Lotto24 in January 2019, subsequent to announcing their intentions in November 2018.
Zeal’s Chief Financial Officer, Jonas Mattson, stated that the company is still acclimating to their new business strategy.
“We’ve demonstrated over the past twelve months that we can capitalize on market opportunities, adapt to a dynamic environment, and consistently modify our business model,” Mattsson remarked.
“We’re persevering on this trajectory.”